My first day with html5

Starting to code is actually different experience for different peoples who might be an absolute beginner or having a bit of knowledge in web development. Based on that we have to make efforts to become a good web developer.

In first few days, I learnt about:

  • emmet
  • tags & elements and their attributes
  • <h1>
    and few more tags.

Main point to keep in mind is that it is necessary to be a good reader to learn faster. Use of documentation for referencing is highly recommended. Like mdn's documentation. In the initial phase if we try to make habit of reading documentation, is going to help in long run for sure.

One thing which is I am sure of is that consistency and patience is the biggest key to get success. We have to write code daily and practice it. Actually I have covered my basics of html5, CSS3 and Javascript. Also made few projects. But Now I'm starting again in a more structured way and I'll be telling you my journey along with learning.

After passing few days with CSS3, I'll make some projects with html5 + CSS3 and will share with you.